Pia Scharbach
Sales & Recruiting Manager
Pia Scharbach
Pia Scharbach joined Christian Dörr Headhunting GmbH in November 2022 as a Senior Recruitment Consultant. She is focused on recruiting professionals and executives within the real estate industry and the construction sector. Her core competence lies in the areas of direct search & executive search as well as establishing a long-term customer relationship. Her clients are mainly construction companies, project developers as well as consulting engineers of medium-sized companies.
In addition, Ms. Scharbach is responsible for the establishment and development of the banking sector with a focus on the cooperative sector. Ms. Scharbach gained her knowledge and experience in a specialized and reputable recruitment consultancy.
Ms. Scharbach is valued for her absolute transparency, authentic appearance and communicative openness in dealing with her clients and candidates in order to achieve sustainable and optimal placements.
After graduating from high school with a degree in economics, she completed an apprenticeship as a wholesale and export merchant in order to lay the commercial foundation. Ms. Scharbach is fluent in Business English and also has knowledge of Spanish and French.
Pia Scharbach
Branche | Level | Bereich | Positionsbezeichnung | Gehaltsrahmen | |
1 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Spezialtiefbau | Kalkulator Spezialtiefbau | 75.000 – 85.000 |
2 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Spezialtiefbau | Projektleiter Spezialtiefbau | 90.000 – 110.000 |
3 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Spezialtiefbau | Oberbauleiter Spezialtiefbau | 95.000 – 115.000 |
4 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Tief- und Erdbau | Stoffstrommanager | ab 80.000 |
5 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Tief- und Erdbau | Leiter Deponie | 65.000 – 75.000 |
6 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Gewerbebau | Bereichsleiter Hochbau | ab 90.000 |
7 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Straßen- und Tiefbau | Bauleiter Straßen- und Tiefbau | ab 70.000 |
8 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Industriebau | Projektleiter Hochbau | 85.000 bis 90.000 |
9 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Industriebau | Bauleiter Hochbau | ab 70.000 |
10 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Planungsbüro Verkehr | Signalanlagenplaner | 65.000 bis 70.000 |
11 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Planungsbüro Verkehr | Straßenplaner | ab 60.000 |
12 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Infrastrukrur | Bauüberwacher Brückenbau | ab 95.000 |
13 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Infrastrukrur | Projektleiter Brückenbau | ab 80.000 |
14 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Generalunternehmer | Standortleiter Tiefbau | ab 95.000 bis 110.000 |
15 | Bau & Immobilienbranche | Senior Level | Hoch- und Gewerbebau | Kaufmännischer Leiter | ab 120.000 |
1 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Geschäftsbank eines Energieunternehmens | Spezialfondsmanager | ab 85.000 |
2 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Leiter Marktfolge aktiv | ab 85.000 |
3 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Firmenkundenbetreuer | 65.000 – 75.000 |
4 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Leiter interne Revision | ab 80.000 |
5 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Vermögensbetreuer | 75.000 – 85.000 |
6 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Firmenkundenbetreuer Großkunden | ab 80.000 |
7 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Geschäftsbank | Finanzportfolioverwalter | ab 85.000 |
8 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Leiter Orga-IT | 70.000 |
9 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Leiter Gesamtbanksteuerung | ab 90.000 |
10 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Genossenschaftsbank | Bereichsleiter Markfolge | ab 85.000 |
11 | Bankensektor | Senior Level | Kirchenbank | Firmenkundenbetreuer | 80.000 |